I have been away from the blog world for what feels like years. But I am determined to renew my efforts.
In the future my posts are likely to take on a new slant because........I am pregnant!
Yes, Chris and I have a little one on the way in April/May this year. I am currently 24 weeks and getting bigger by the minute it seems! Everything is ticking along nicely, so I have my fingers firmly crossed that there will be no major issues.
I found out like this:
- Suspect I'm pregnant whilst helping my sister refurbish her beautiful Vintage shop, What Alice Found (www.whatalicefound.co.uk - check it out!)
- Accidentally fall onto a nail protruding from a plank of wood
- Sit down the following evening with a glass of wine and take one sip before being overcome with the urge to 'just check' if I am pregnant or not before I consume the rest of the glass
- Take pregnancy test without informing husband
- Get a positive result; but it is very faint. Deliberate as to what this means. Stare at the line so hard that I start seeing double lines. Worry about falling on the nail
- Go back into living room and tell husband, without preamble, 'there is a possibility that I may be pregnant'
- Drag husband to bathroom to stare at faint line. "What do you think?" I ask. Response "I don't know."
- Go back to living room and sit for 30 minutes in relative silence while husband has a whisky and gets over the shock (we had been not, not trying....if you see what I mean)
- Google frantically how faint a line can be and still be positive. Turns out, a line is a line, no matter how faint. Don't feel much more at ease though
- Give rest of glass of wine to husband once he has consumed his whisky (he is drinking for two now, after all). Feel strange. It doesn't seem real
- Husband finally talks and seems rather more panicky than overtly pleased
- Go to sleep that night wondering if this is it
- Next day book appointment with doctor. Have to wait a whole WEEK, before I can see someone. Take another pregnancy test but I didn't do it right (HOW?!) and the control line didn't turn blue. The only other one I had was past its use-by date. Used it anyway and again, got a really faint line. Feel frustrated now; just want to know
- After the agonising week is up, go see the doctor. Tell him I think I am pregnant and ask him to check. He says that home tests are so reliable now that he won't need to test again. WHAT??!!!
- After doctor's appointment I decide to settle it once and for all. Go to Boots in my lunch hour and buy a digital test. Go into the nearest department store and use their toilet (work seemed too far away). And..... POSITIVE!! Hoorah. Send photo message to husband of result screen with the accompanying message 'We are go for launch'
And that was that. (I am pleased to say that I have a small scar from the nail, but no infection - lucky).
My advice to anyone taking a pregnancy test, use a digital one. A simple 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' is all you want in that situation. They even tell you how many weeks from conception you are. Brilliant!
Thus began my journey into pregnancy. Cue three months of feeling hangover-type sick ALL DAY. It should NOT be called morning sickness. That is such a cute little phrase that belittles how utterly gross you feel from 5am to 9pm (your new waking hours). Feeling so rough you don't even want to talk and not being able to tell your work colleagues why is really hard.
I am going to rename it 'Ultimate Nausea'. Because that is what it feels like.